"Better to write twaddle, anything, than nothing at all." --Samuel Johnson

"I write to discover what I know." --Flannery O'Connor

26 September 2008

Responses to "Newsweek" Reader Responses

"Before reading your cover story, I had major doubts about Sarah Palin.....would she be tough enough to handle the people who might try to push her around?.....your article erased every doubt. She appears to be as tough as they come. A shrewd and gifted mayor and governor, she scores higher on my list than the rest of the crowd on both tickets." --Hany Hanna, Sioux Falls, SD.

Yes, she's very tough. Tough as a pig, one might say. She's going to need that when the starving masses of America are marching down Pennsylvania Ave. enrobed in tattered zombie rags, touting torches and maniacally chanting "justice! justice! justice!" Maybe she can show them where Russia is. Oh wait, that's right--she's use to handling large firearms. Again, she's tough. Everybody duck.

"I noticed that the caption accompanying one of your photos of Sarah Palin refers to her as a "former mayor of tiny Wasilla." I believe she is the sitting governor of Alaska. As such, her title is Governor Palin. I have yet to see a photo caption of Sen. Barack Obama referring to him as 'a former community organizer.'" --Matt Lanker, Marysville, Ohio.

Well, ha ha, I can't believe I get the chance to say this legitimately, but, THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!!! "I believe she is..." Oh, oh, you believe, do you? That's good, see, because if you, and maybe even other people like you didn't believe she was currently the Gov, then her authority and station would just disappear in an puff of apostasy. Wow! I'm glad you're around, man! "As such, her title is Gov. Palin." No SHIT! You don't say! You know, I know you read a lot and everything, but there's this thing they do, especially in mass-market periodicals like "Newsweek", where the caption under a picture will often make reference to one of the central points of the story. Also, I know, I just know Matt, that you have been going around showing this issue to your familyfriendscoworkers and are just so proud of yourself for having gotten the attention of a very, very, low-ranking unpaid intern, but do you realize that "Newsweek" has exploited you by printing your letter just to show how banal it is to shuffle through the undercooked editorializing of random jerks? They've mocked you just by printing your stiff, juvenile, obvious comment--and silently, you're thanking them. Think about it. As a concession, let me tell you--it is for this very reason (that the journalistic establishment rightly snorts at volunteer pundits like myself) that I don't write in to periodicals. Oh, and P.S.: Obama was the one to characterize himself as a "community organizer", whereas Gov. Plain has all but buried the traces of her meager and recent beginnings. That's why "Newsweek" et. al. feel the need to highlight her background so aggressively.

"Dear Newsweek,
Do you have any idea how to paint toenails? I am, as they say, a 'nail polish version', and I am really screwing this up royally. Should the strokes go away from the cuticle, or towards it? Also, I think Senator Palin looks smart and cute, and will make a really great prez when that nice old man finally heads toward the light. Go Braves!" --Anna Smith, Atlanta, GA

"I was very disturbed by Daniel Lyons' recent article, 'A Gloomy Vista For Microsoft.' I am in no way employed by Microsoft, but were I, I would feel a deep sense of regret that the CEO of a certain PC hardware company has been 'less than pleased with Vista', and that Mr. Lyons feels the need to print this fact. The staff at Microsoft, where, again, I am most definitely not employed, may be remiss at learning that people think the need for the 'Mojave' commercials only underscores Vistas problems, or that, thanks to infinitely superior products being offered by Apple, Microsoft may be headed down the path of former-cool orgs like AOL. I have no affiliation with Microsoft whatsoever, but if I did, I would be outraged. Especially at that bit about being in a 'time warp.' You should be ashamed of yourselves." --Gill Bates, Medina, WA

1 comment:

  1. That is a spot-on orthographic channeling of the live D-B experience. Yow!!


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