"Better to write twaddle, anything, than nothing at all." --Samuel Johnson

"I write to discover what I know." --Flannery O'Connor

25 November 2007

Lists Upon Lists

Five bands/performers whose appeal I have never understood:

1. Elvis Presley
2. Phil Collins
3. Soundgarden
4. The Eagles
5. Melissa Ethridge

Five bands/performers whose appeal I have only recently come to understand:

1. Television
2. The Jam
3. Animal Collective
4. Roxy Music
5. Cat Power

Five bands whose appeal might escape many, but with whom I have an "understanding":

1. Yes
2. Crash Test Dummies
3. Blind Melon
4. Donovan
5. The Tragically Hip

Dear few readers of this blog: Please leave a comment with your own answers to these categories. Check out the original post here. Check out another great list here.


  1. i wholeheartedly agree with elvis presley--just don't get it. on the other hand, i love the beatles. and i'm surprised blues traveler isn't in the last category.

  2. the EAGLES. i love the EAGLES. the beatles... who are they?

  3. Um, yes... i also love the Beatles. perhaps you meant the Eagles. And I have an understanding for "Run Around", but not for Blues Traveler.

  4. by the way, i completely and totally LOVE blind melon. why don't more people feel this way?!?! their first album is brilliant. i'm dead serious.

  5. I too love Blind Melon, though I prefer their second album. The list that interests me the most are musicians whose appeal I understand but don't enjoy- mine would include Nirvana, Mozart and Tool. Then there's the reverse list of music I enjoy but can't justify- like Soundgarden or Neil Diamond. Mmm, cheesey.

  6. I know this is very late, but I have to say: I feel EXACTLY the same way about Soundgarden. More specifically, Chris Cornell.


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